ceritanya gini gan...email gw kena hack pada tanggal 23 agustus. karna email gw kena hack, maka akun fb gw otomatis kena hack, karna si penyusup kan otomatis bisa rubah pass fb gw lewat email gw. sebenrnya bisa aja sih gw bikin email dan fb baru, cuma masalahnya email itu dah ane pake dr tahun 2000 gan jd sayang banget kalo ilang, seperti prosedur biasa kalo kena hack, kita masuk ke opsi "forgotten password". nah setelah masuk kan kita disuruh jawab 2 security question tuh, tp sialnya ane lupa dengan jawaban dari security question yang ke 2, yg 1 ane dah berhasil jawab.
udah 4 hari ane coba jawab security question yang ke 2 tp gagal terus, akhirnya ane coba utk googling software atau cara utk jebol email ane. walaupun di youtube banyak tutorialnya dan program yg keliatannya gampang, tp kenyataannya susah gan utk cari programnya, bahkan mungkin ga ada, karna secara logika ga mungkin sekelas yahoo bisa dijebol cuma dengan program kecil kaya yg ane liat di youtube. jalan ke 2, ane coba gabung di forum2 hacker baik lokal maupun internasional, tp tetep caranya cuma itu2 aja, yaitu lewat social engineering, fake login dan keylogger..kenapa ane ga pake cara itu? karna ane pantau yg ngehack ane cuma ngambil chip poker aja gan, setelah itu akun fb dan email ane ga pernah dia urus lagi jd percuma ane lancarkan jurus social enginering dan fake login, kalo keylogger ane harus pasang di pc yg hack email ane, sedangkan ane ga tau sapa yg ngehack.
akhirnya jalan terakhir ane pengaduan dari yahoo help center dan ane jelaskan disitu kalo ane kena keylogger, karna biasanya ane OL dr pc pribadi, dan suatu waktu karna kondisi yg genting ane harus buka email di warnet, dan abis pulang dr warnet lah ane ga bisa akses email ane lagi, jd ane pastikan bahwa ane kena keylogger. nah setelah ngisi data2 yg untuk menguatkan bahwa akun itu benar milik kita,ane kirim dah dan ane dapat jawaban dr akun email yahoo yg baru ane buat utk nerima balasan atas pengaduan ane tersebut, nah pas ane buka jawabannya intinya pengaduan ane dah mereka terima dan ane suruh tunggu 1 x 24 jam. tp udah 5 hari ane tunggu2 kok ga ada jawaban, akhirnya ane pasrah gan, eh ga taunya malam ini pas ane buka email, ada balasan gan, intinya yahoo meminta maaf ama ane karna keterlambatan atas balasan pengaduan ane, dan mereka tetap belom bisa kasih jawaban tertulis atas pengaduan ane, trus mereka kasih link ke ane utk menyelesaikan masalah ane secara online chatting dengan customer service mereka, dan ini lah percakapan ane dengan cs dari yahoo gan :
ajie = ane
ray = cs yahoo
info: Please wait for a Yahoo! agent to respond.
info: All Yahoo! agents are currently assisting others. Thank you for your patience. A Yahoo! agent will be with you shortly.
info: All Yahoo! agents are currently assisting others. Thank you for your patience. A Yahoo! agent will be with you shortly.
info: All Yahoo! agents are currently assisting others. Thank you for your patience. A Yahoo! agent will be with you shortly.
info: You are now chatting with Ray
info: Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK42601672201X
Ray: Hi Aji! Welcome to our Yahoo! Account Verification Live Chat service. I'm glad you've joined us.
Aji: ya
Ray: How may I help you today?
Aji: sorry if my english is not good
Aji: because i'm from indonesia
Ray: No problem Aji.
Ray: How may I assist you?
Aji: my email is hacked by someone
Aji: i try to reset my password
Aji: but i'm forgot the answer my second security question
Ray: I am sorry to hear that someone may have accessed your Yahoo! account without your permission and now you want to reset the password for your Yahoo! account. Is that right?
Aji: yes that's right
Ray: Thank you for confirming.
Aji: I have also been filling out the form for the procedure forgot password
Ray: I realize the inconvenience that you may be experiencing due to this and will try to help you in the best way I can.
Aji: ok thank you
Ray: You're welcome.
Ray: In order for me to assist you, may I have the Yahoo! ID for which you need assistance?
Aji: ajieai@yahoo.com
Ray: Thank you for providing your Yahoo! ID.
Ray: Now, let me help you to get access to your account.
Ray: First, I need to verify your account information like date of birth or ZIP code currently listed on your Yahoo! account.
Aji: my birth date is 2 march 1982
Ray: Thank you for providing the requested information.
Ray: Now, let's move to the second verification step.
Ray: Please provide me with the answers to the security questions currently listed on this account.
Ray: Q1: What town was your mother born in?
Aji: ciamis
Aji: my answer is ciamis
Ray: Q2: What was the make of your first car?
Aji: i forgot the answer in the second security question
Aji: that is why I was not able to reset my password
Ray: No worries, let me help you with this.
Ray: Aji, as you are unsure of the correct answer, please try to provide me with a list of all possible answers so I can manually verify them with the answer listed on the account.
Aji: ok i will try
Aji: toyota
Aji: corolla
Aji: japan
Aji: japanese
Aji: toyota corolla
Aji: toyota japan
Aji: corolla 1994
Aji: corolla '94
Ray: Aji, I appreciate your patience and thank you for providing the requested security answers.
Aji: trueno
Ray: Thank you for verifying your "ajieai" Yahoo! account.
Ray: Now, please provide me with the desired alternate email address to get a new password for your "ajieai" Yahoo! account.
Aji: ajie_jikun@yahoo.com
Aji: I really appreciate your help
Aji: because in my email a lot of important information for me
Ray: I would like you to know that I truly value your patience and appreciate your support to resolve your issue.
Ray: Aji, as for now I am sending the new password on the given address however, I would suggest you to always add or update an alternate email address as this will help you to get a new password for your Yahoo! account.
Ray: Good News! I have updated the given alternate email address and sent a new password for your Yahoo! account on your "ajie_jikun@yahoo.com" alternate email address.
Aji: i will do that in the future
Ray: Thank you for the understanding.
Ray: Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Aji: thank's god i found u mr.ray
Ray: Aji, if you don't mind, I would really appreciate it if you would complete a quick survey to grade your chat experience with me.
Aji: no.. Your help is very much
Aji: ok
Ray: Thank you.
Ray: To find the survey, please click "Close" at the top right of the chat window and you'll be directed to the survey page.
Aji: ok will click "close" now
Ray: Thank you for chatting with us.
Ray: Have a good day!
jadi kesimpulannya pelayanan yahoo sangat memuaskan, bahkan untuk pengguna gratisan seperti ane, responnya sangat bagus gan, dan ane ga nyesel pilih yahoo sebagai email ane dan saran ane jangan deh coba2 saran atau software yang menawarkan bisa menjebol yahoo email karna semua itu boong gan, ane dah coba semua, bahkan email yg ane baru bikin kena hack lagi karna ane nyoba2 cara2 dr googling, cari aman aja, hubungi customer service yahoo gan..sekian pengalaman ane gan, kalo berkenan ane ga nolak yang ijo ijogan.
update link formulir pengisian lembar pengaduan ke yahoo help center
link formulir pengaduan ke yahoo help center
sumber : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=5223770